
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Favorite Life Sketchbook Artists

Hi again,
In my last post I discussed the wonderful reasons to keep a daily sketchbook of your life. I really do hope you get inspired by it.
I also promised a list of my favorite sketchbook artists, but I thought a better idea would be to showcase a sketchbook artist once a month, who always continue to inspire me.

So without further delay, my artist for this month is Liz Steel from Liz and Borromini.
 I found Liz's blog only last week and it is wonderful. Not only does she show her recent sketches, but she is also a sketch teacher and talks about her classes and lessons on her blog. I find this helpful and inspiring to see so many others learning to sketch their lives.

I have to admit, I  have a soft spot for Liz as she is a huge tea drinker just like myself, and has delightful sketches of many a tea and cake. She has even published her own book filled with these sketches, along with a few other fantastic sketch books showcasing her work.

Of course Liz sketch's more from her life then just tea and cake and is an an architect by trade. Being in the architecture field gives her a great love of sketching buildings and house of all shapes and sizes on her travels. Some of my personal favorites are below.
This is Luna Park. An amusement park in Melbourne, Australia, which I have also visited two years ago with my family. The kids loved it. I wish I too was into sketching back then.
I love how Liz has captured it. Her style is exactly my type of yum!:)
Do you recognise this little sketch in the bottom right corner? It's the Sydney Opera house.
I like the fact that in Liz's sketches, they are so simple yet so distinctive.  The sketchy little tourists don't take away from the building, the main focus at all.
Loving the layout.

Below is a shot of one of Liz's classes she held in Melbourne I believe, teaching the students a little tip about using red lines in the initial set of the sketch. I am so jealous that I can't attend one of her lessons, as I am too far away. You can read a little more about it one her blog. Here is the link to her post.

Well, a big thank you to Liz for inspiring me and sharing her sketches with the world.
Make sure you visit her blog at 

Thanks for visiting,
Sonya XXX

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the link, Sonya, I love seeing artists' sketchbooks.
