
Saturday, August 3, 2013

Today's journal page

Hello this Sunday!
I have been a little inspired by the very popular Teesha Moore. I have always found it hard to find things to write on my art journal pages. Sometimes I just simply want to draw and paint a lovely picture and it has nothing to do with the way I am feeling.
It's not that I don't want to journal about deep down feelings, its just sometimes better for me to just play.
It also bothers me when I see journal pages with all these deep deep thoughts all over the page, but the art has nothing to do with it. But that's just me and everyone is different. I do however, love Teesha's way of lettering and her use of glossy magazines. Sometimes I just don't get the image that goes with the journaling but I'm sure it all makes sens to her. Maybe I'm a bit behind the ball LOL.

Which brings me to today's journal page.
I started this page off with two very cute dogs I found in a magazine. I am a big dog lover so they immediately appealed to me. I didn't have a plan for the page at this stage and just stuck them down on the pages.
Following Teesha's cue, I started looking for bits to add to the dogs- hence the eyes and hair on the smaller dog:) That's when it all spoke to me and I realised the page was about my teenage daughters and my relationship.
 My daughters are very different from me, when I was a child and sometimes I have a hard time accepting that kids don't really play that much anymore and ipads and ipods and iphones have taken over from  playing outside all day.
Also my eldest who is 14, going on twenty, loves wearing makeup and spending hours on her hair, something that drives me insane some days. My journal page ended up reflecting this.

The page all came together easily when I realised the smaller pup was my daughters. It was so much fun making this page come alive and it gave me a chance to practice my journal lettering, which is something I really want to work on. Like always I had to have my own little hand drawn picture in there as well.
Feel free to read the smaller writing as well, if you wish. I'm sure there are a lot of other mothers who feel the exact same way.
Hugs, Sonya

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