
Thursday, August 8, 2013


Hi all!
Im very excited today, as I have just signed up for Carla Sonheim's, Blobimal art class.
I only just discovered Carla this week but I am so happy that I finally did find her.
Blobimal is a cute and fun way to paint and draw your own imaginary creatures. I believe you also make a book with them in it at the same time, which is so adorable!
I don't have small children but I just love this free way of making art with blobs! If you do have smaller children and you take this course and create these creature OMG your kids will love you!
I also love the idea of Blobimals being created with watercolor, as I haven't played with mine for a while now.
Any how I am still waiting for my class access so in the meantime I managed to make my own blobimals in my art journal last night using acrylic paint. With the acrylic I had to just smooth it around randomly with my fingers to create a shape. Here is how my page turned out!


    would be nice to see you once over on the monthly challenges at

    xxx from Austria

  2. Hi Susi, I'd love to come and have a look.I will check it out right now. Cheers!
