How it works, is that I now have to answer some questions and then pass the award on.
So here it goes:
How long have you been blogging?
I'm actually very new at it. I think Ive been here for about 3 months. Ive had other blogs in the past, but this is the first one where I feel, it's not only for me, but hopefully other people find inspiration from it as well.
Why did you start blogging?
At the very first instant, I thought of it as an online journal, but as I thought more thoroughly about it and read other peoples blogs, I realised I wanted to inspire people with my art and also give the odd tutorial. I love helping people and I want the whole world to enjoy art and craft. Its just a great feeling to see my art up on the screen as well! LOL
What sort of blogs do you like to follow/read?
I am a self confessed art-aholic! So I must admit, most of the blogs I read are other art and craft blogs. I especially love ones with tutorials as well. I also like recycling blogs, as I sew on the odd occasion and love to find new exciting ways to recycle something.
What is the one thing you would like to improve as a blogger:
I personally think I can be quite funny, but I find it hard to write funny things. So I will have to try and improve that skill somehow in the future. I would like to make people laugh when they read my blog.
Now, My nomination for the blogger appreciation award is passed onto:
I just love jennibelliestudio. She has great tutorials and inspired me to make my own handmade journals. I love seeing her journal pages and she is just a delight to listen to. Thank so much for your blog jenni!
Congrats Sonya, I followed Narda's blog through your post re: your award. It's exciting! Have a nice day.