
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Good morning!
Im so excited to go this morning. I have for you my very first video tutorial on making Paper Beads.
Please excuse the 'shakiness' of it as I used my computer web cam and its not the best. I plan to redo the video in a couple of days so its easier on your eyes...
I'm still excited though to share this with you all and hope you make some paper beads before the day is out! Its such a great way to decorate your art journals so have a go, they are just so easy to do.


  1. Love Paper beads hun.........great tutorial dear!xx

  2. I love your video! and is great to hear your voice (and to see you too) congrats!

  3. Thanks for the feedback ladies! Glad you enjoyed it!

  4. Great tutorial Sonya, your so happy an cheerful, gonna have a go at these, beads are ntot cheap to buy, the 3d lacquer is a great idea to...

    Snuggles Angel
