
Friday, May 11, 2012

finger painting flowers

Don't you just love Saturday's! There is something special about them, just like Friday nights have a special feel and Monday morning a not so good feel... Tuesday is a little better because your over Monday, Thursday's have a okay feel because it is nearly Friday, Sundays are lovely sleep in days. Hmm does Wednesday have a feel? Not sure about that one...
Anyway enough about my ramblings, and more about glorious art journalling.

(p.s - Don't look at the date on my photo, I couldnt change the camera settings.)
 I want to introduce you to finger painting! Yes thats right finger painting.. the sort we have all done before, we probably just can't remember LOL
I LOVE finger painting. Its relaxing, messy, funny, it makes me happy, its a stress free, a creative outlet and great for an art fart. An art fart to me is when you just have no idea what to make. But of course you have to make something...
So here is my finger painting to show you all. Its basically a field of flowers and I think just about anyone can do this ( well , as long as you have fingers. OOh that brings me to something else what about toe painting..hmmm)
Im so excited about finger painting, I think Ill do some more.
Why don't you have a try. I would love to see your art.
PS If you haven't already seen I have posted a new journal Ive made on my journal tutorials page ( look for the page above :)

Yeah I know, I spelt beginning wrong!

1 comment:

  1. Hahahha i had to giggle reading this sonya, thats how i feel about my week, i love friday coz its the end an spend it with hubby an kiddies, dreamy sundays (yes), monday mornings NOPE, coz i am back to being on my own, ;0(....
    As for your finger painting, bloomin eck, i aint done that in yrs, make me itch to try some lol....

    Happy mothers day hun, sound like you have been spoilt..
    Snuggles Angel xx
